mkayyy second page in and the burning text is starting to hurt my wee lil eyes x_x
Ok so, reality is a lot, like, wayy more complex than you probably think it is. There's like.. idk how to describe it, "Layers" of reality iguess??? According to this book, we live in a world called "The Second Veil of Reality", but it also calls it the fool's world and relates it to the tarot card of the fool. As implied, there are multiple "Veils of Reality", all wrapped around a cluster of unused matter in the center called "Absolute Zero", which is a cluster of unused matter in which Divinity is found. It's a little weird :/
do u like my diagram B)
do NOT tell me if u dont, i will cry and it will be ugly and you WILL feel bad.
Now, I say we're in the Second Veil of Reality, yeah? You may be wondering, what about the First? Our book speaks of the First Veil as a magical world in which divinity can be found, and it can help improve the Body, Mind, and Soul. Self improvement is a goal for most people, which brings us to the number 53. Fifty-three is an Angel Number which relates to focusing on the improvement and goals of one's self, to help reshape the Body, Mind, and Soul. I wonder where we've heard that before... (earlier in this paragraph omg...)
That being said, our goal is to make our way to the Magical World ...... somehow. It's a liiiitttleeee complicated but Jessica says she's found a way, involving something called a Dreamwalker. Dreamwalkers, according to Jessica, are creatures born from elements that've been here longer than the universe that humans cannot feasibly harness, and so scientists have been taught to ignore them or something... something to do with the Vatican as well but I forgot. Anyways, Dreamwalkers have an ability to make pockets between the Veils of Reality as well as travel between them, so that's something to look forward to !!!!!!!!!!!!!